This website is designed to provide information about the Lewis Pointe Metropolitan District’s programs and services.

See our Contacts page for informational inquiries regarding Lewis Pointe Metropolitan District.

Notice Re. Metropolitan District Homeowner’s Rights Task Force (House Bill 23-1105)

House Bill 23-1105 (HB23-1105) created the Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Forces with its members to be appointed by November 1, 2023. The purpose of the task force is to examine issues regarding homeowners’ rights and to perform other duties as noted in the new law. The Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Force will review, among other matters, tax levying authority and practices, foreclosure practices, communications with homeowners and governance policies. If you have any questions about the Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Force, please reach out to the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies or visit their website at

Community News


Learn more about the Lewis Pointe Metro District by reading the following District newsletters: April 2024 Newsletter February 2024 Newsletter January 2023 Newsletter January 2022 Newsletter


Colorado Senate Bill 2009-87 Compliance: In 2009 Colorado enacted legislation requiring information about metropolitan and special districts to be disclosed and available to District constituents.

2024 Transparency Notice

Why Neighbors Love Lewis Pointe

Family Friendly, Peaceful, Welcoming, Well Maintained, Dog Friendly, Nice Clean Community.

Nextdoor website

Photos of the Lewis Pointe Community